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Ozone Benefits
Ozone is a triatomic form of oxygen, three oxygen atoms together to form one molecule.

Ozone is a natural gas, relatively unstable molecule made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3 – trioxygen), that is found in nature with a higher percentage on the ozone layer, but also, can be produced with Corona discharge or UV for commercial and industrial applications.
The use of ozone can bring lots of benefits:
Ozone is 100% natural
Benefits of Ozone in Industry
Ozone is a potent oxidant that can be used in a range of industrial sectors because it is a molecule made of three oxygen atoms.
Ozone gas can be employed in a range of water and air treatment methods due to its industrial application. In water treatment, ozone is used to kill bacteria, viruses, algae, and other pollutants. Ozone is used in air treatment to remove odors, bacteria, and other contaminants.
Ozonized water is another prominent industrial application of ozone. Ozonized water, which is created by dissolving ozone in water, is widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. In the food industry, ozonized water is used to disinfect food and work surfaces, resulting in increased food safety. In the medical business, ozonized water is used to disinfect wounds and prevent infections.
In the agricultural industry, ozone is used to increase plant and crop yield. Ozone has the capacity to induce chlorophyll development in plants, which increases photosynthesis and, as a result, food production.
In the medical industry, ozone therapy is used to treat a variety of medical problems. Ozone therapy is a sort of therapy in which ozone is introduced into the body to increase cell oxygenation and immune system activity.
To summarize, the use of ozone in industry provides a wide range of advantages, from cleaning food and work surfaces to increasing agricultural output and medical cures. Ozone is a vital tool for improving the quality and safety of several industrial processes.
The Incredible Benefits of Drinking Ozonated Water!
Water is essential for life. We don’t just drink water, we use it for showers, for cleaning, for food and much more.
Drinking ozonated water is an efficient and simple option to improve your health.
There are lots of different ways to purify water and increase its effectiveness. Ozone is a way to purify water that gives you a healthy lifestyle. Want to know how you can get some ozone benefits?
The use of ozone can be found clinically, in medical and aesthetic treatments, or simply to disinfect and sterilize instruments and rooms; domestically, to treat the drinking water or to wash fruits, vegetables and other ingredients.
A machine to apply ozone to the water, that is, an ozone generator, is the perfect solution to use ozonated water for drinking or cleaning.

Some of Ozone Benefits include:
Biological Benefits
Ozone doesn’t change the taste of water. Scientific studies prove that ozone kills bacteria and viruses. It has proven effectiveness in many virus as killing E. coli, yeast, salmonella, listeria and many others.
The biological benefits are a result of the ozone not leaving any residual as Ozone becomes Oxygen again. Ozone removes impurities and adds oxygen to the blood stream.
With more oxygen, the brain will be even more functional. Ozonated Water makes it stronger and better able to fight infections. Drinking cold ozonated water on an empty stomach regularly can detoxify your intestinal tract.
Only the oxygen molecule is left in the air after the oxidation process is complete, by this reason ozone does not leave any residuals and is a 100% natural process.
Physical Benefits
Drinking ozonated water gives an energy boost. It gives more oxygen to the body. There aren’t just benefits for drinking ozonated water, there are also benefits for bathing in it.
Taking a bath with ozonated water helps to cure skin disorders, it can also be used to cure muscle pain, spinal and back injuries and neck stiffness.
These baths can be incorporated into a healing or wellness plan as directed by a physician. Proper diet and hydration work in conjunction to make these ozone baths more effective.
Ozonated water is better than regular water to wash your body, vegetables, fruit, food… because, it increases the level of cleanliness.

Medical Benefits
In fact, ozonated water can be used for surgeries, to keep the opened areas sterilized, because of its disinfectant properties. It can also help to treat cancer.
Although ozonated water is not strong enough to kill cancer by itself, it has proved to kill a few cancer cells.
How incredible can be the use of ozonated water? If you are looking for an ozone water purifier system, our Tap Water System, that you can find in our link below, is a great option if you want to take care of your family’s health!

Reduces Cancer Risk
You can fight the risk of cancer by drinking ozonated water. Your doctor may suggest drinking ozonated water to help you in case of a cancer as well.

Reduces inflammation
Arthritis, digestive disorders, frequent joint pain, or even migraines, you may be able to improve your treatment of these conditions by drinking ozonated water.

Detoxes the body
Prevents negative outcomes of the detox process and get yourself looking and feeling the way you want to much sooner than you would otherwise.
What is Ozone Therapy?
Ozone therapy uses ozone because of its therapeutic effects and this therapy has been studied and used for over 150 years. Ozone benefits in health are one of the most important benefits that ozone can offer to the humanity.
Ozone therapy has been found to be useful in several ways in medicine.
Ozone therapy uses ozone and applies it in several forms and different ways, including:
ozonated olive oil applied directly to the body
rectal insufflation
drinking ozonated water
autohemotherapy (where blood is withdrawn, mixed with ozone, and put back into the bloodstream)
gas bath or sauna
Ozone gas treatment has many applications in the field of health and can help to treat many problems, either as an individual treatment or combined with other conventional medicines.

Ozone Therapy Contra-Indications
Since its introduction in 1840, ozone therapy is proving to be a new therapeutic modality with great benefits to the patients.
The following are contraindications for use of ozone therapy:
Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (favism);
Severe anaemia;
Severe myastheia;
Active hemorrhage;
Acute alcohol intoxication;
Recent Myocardial infarction;
Cardiovascular instability;
Pacients on ACE inhibitors.
Ozone inhalation can be toxic to the pulmonary system and other organs. Complications caused by ozone therapy are infrequent at 0.0007 per application.
Some of the ozone benefits on the body include:
1. | Balances acid/alkaline | 63. | Kills candida | |
2. | Balances hormones | 64. | Kills germs | |
3. | Balances metabolism | 65. | Kills parasites | |
4. | Blood booster | 66. | Kills virus | |
5. | Blood purifier | 67. | Kills worms | |
6. | Boosts energy | 68. | Liver cleanser | |
7. | Breaks up cholesterol | 69. | Neutralizes acid | |
8. | Builds muscle | 70. | Neutralizes chronic hostility | |
9. | Burns off excess sugar | 71. | Neutralizes environmental toxicity | |
10. | Burns fat | 72. | Neutralizes stomach acid | |
11. | Calms nerves | 73. | Overcomes weakness | |
12. | Cell energizer | 74. | Oxidizes morbific material | |
13. | Cleans and Purifies the air | 75. | Oxidizes poisons | |
14. | Clears out dirty fluids | 76. | Oxygenates hemoglobin | |
15. | Clears out brain fog | 77. | Oxygenates pancreas | |
16. | Cleans mucus | 78. | Oxygenates spleen | |
17. | Combats chronic fatigue syndrome | 79. | Prevents allergies | |
18. | Combats depression | 80. | Prevents Alzheimer’s | |
19. | Corrects dizziness | 81. | Prevents angina pain | |
20. | Corrects memory loss | 82. | Prevents asthma | |
21. | Decomposes plague | 83. | Prevents cardiac arrhythmias | |
22. | Decreases stress | 84. | Prevents carpe tunnel syndrome | |
23. | Destroys harmful microorganisms | 85. | Prevents cluster headaches | |
24. | Detoxifies every cell in the body | 86. | Prevents colds | |
25. | Detoxifies the lymph system | 87. | Prevents constipation | |
26. | Disburses heavy metal toxicity | 88. | Prevents degenerate diseases | |
27. | Eliminates lactic acid | 89. | Prevents Epstein Barr | |
28. | Enhances immune system | 90. | Prevents fever blister | |
29. | Enhances mood | 91. | Prevents gangrene | |
30. | Fights bronchial problems | 92. | Prevents gastro intestinal disorders | |
31. | Fights cellulite | 93. | Prevents irregular heartbeat | |
32. | Fights emphysema | 94. | Prevents kidney failure | |
33. | Fights fibromyalgia | 95. | Prevents lupus | |
34. | Fights flu | 96. | Prevents lymes disease | |
35. | Fights headaches | 97. | Prevents MS (Multiple Sclerosis) | |
36. | Fights herpes | 98. | Prevents nerve related diseases | |
37. | Fights infection | 99. | Prevents Parkinson’s disease | |
38. | Fights obesity | 100. | Prevents peripheral vascular disease | |
39. | Fights parasitic infection | 101. | Prevents premature aging | |
40. | Fights septicemia | 102. | Prevents rheumatoid arthritis | |
41. | Heightens alertness | 103. | Prevents shingles | |
42. | Help supplements to work better | 104. | Prevents sudden heart attack | |
43. | Ignites carbohydrates | 105. | Prevents tumors | |
44. | Immune enhancer | 106. | Protects against stroke | |
45. | Improves amino acid utilization | 107. | Purifies liver | |
46. | Improves brain function | 108. | Reduce cholesterol | |
47. | Improves circulation | 109. | Reduces inflammation | |
48. | Improves concentration | 110. | Releases anxiety and stress, stimulates the feeling of contentment | |
49. | Improves damaged tissue | 111. | Releases tension | |
50. | Improves digestion | 112. | Relieves angina | |
51. | Improves heart function | 113. | Relieves muscle aches | |
52. | Improves memory | 114. | Renews skin smoothness and elasticity | |
53. | Improves mental quickness and stability | 115. | Skin purifier | |
54. | Improves mineral absorption | 116. | Speeds athletic recovery | |
55. | Improves oxygen levels in blood | 117. | Speeds healing | |
56. | Improves vitamin uptake | 118. | Speeds recovery | |
57. | Improves white blood cell production | 119. | Speeds up faulty metabolism | |
58. | Increases cellular vitality | 120. | Stops cancer cells | |
59. | Increases flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells | 121. | Strengthens immune system | |
60. | It helps in cellulite treatment | 122. | Striae treatment after pregnancy or obesity | |
61. | Kills bacteria | 123. | Vitality booster | |
62. | Kills bad colon bacteria | 124. | And much more ... |